Don't be Stupid

We've all watched television shows and videos centered on people doing stupid things- bumbling criminals, disastrous home improvement projects, or people on wheels who try to defy physics. America's Funniest Home Videos has been running for 30 years! In real life, I have a low tolerance for "stupid" people. Technically, people aren't stupid, they just say illogical or biased things or make poor decisions. "Stupid is as stupid does," according to Forrest Gump. I was talking to God about this, because I've encountered well-meaning, God-serving individuals who, in my opinion, make poor choices or plans. It's not a matter of sin, just a lack of wisdom. I asked God, "How do you deal with these kinds of people?" The answer I received was, "Same way I deal with you." I laughed, but ouch. I'm no better than anyone else. I have my own flaws, blind spots, and prejudices. Even if God has blessed me with intelligence, my ways,...