Looking in the Right Place

Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash

As the sun sets on another Easter, I reflect on a week honoring Jesus’ last days on earth, including his death and resurrection.

One of my favorite parts of the Easter story is when the women go to finish preparing the body, and upon arriving at the empty tomb, meet a couple of angels. They ask the women: “Why do you look for the living among the dead?”

I wonder how often we don’t find what we’re looking for because we’re looking in the wrong place. We look for a sense of worth in the opinions of others. We look for meaning in the words of celebrities. We look for fulfillment in how well we perform at school or work.

When we seek all the good things of life, such as love, security, and meaning, in the world, we’re looking in the wrong places. The world is like a tomb. It is only an empty shell without Jesus.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” He is the source of all good things, the only way to know and be reconciled to God, the path to abundant and eternal life.

If you’re not able to find what you need in this world, maybe your hope lies beyond this world, in the hands of the Creator of heaven and earth. 



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