Brain Power

Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

Our brains are powerful! I heard about a research study where basketball players of equal ability were divided into two groups. One group practiced shooting free throws; the second group visualized themselves making free throw shots. When the two groups were compared, they showed the same amount of improvement over the time of the study.

The brain strengthened the same neural pathways whether the players practiced physically or in their minds.

What you think determines your existence (I think therefore I am). It can also set the whole course of your day, which by degrees can set the course of your life. It can determine your beliefs. What you believe determines what you do.

It seems simple, but it’s not easy. Apostle Paul talks about taking your thoughts captive. They can run rampant if you let them. It’s important to think on purpose. To focus on what is true and good and hopeful, rather than the junk you consume on social media or television. What you think becomes who you are. Who do you want to be?


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