Always a Way

Photo by Erda Estremera on Unsplash

I heard a story today about a young pastor and his family who were planning a move to their new church two days before their first Sunday. It was an 8-hour drive. Everything was packed. The truck was rented.

Then, chaos. The truck broke down before it even got to the house. They got it up and running, but it broke down again on the way. After a hotel stay and much discussion, it was decided the only option was to tow the moving truck and its trailer with the family car all the way to its destination.

Unfortunately, they weren’t able to get to the church by Sunday morning. Everything that had been planned by their new congregation had to be rescheduled. All they could do was move forward and plan for the next week.

You would think that working around canceled plans would be second nature to us by now, but it’s still disappointing when we plan on something and it falls through. Especially when it’s beyond our control.

I’ve noticed that people, like this family, who are able to take these disappointments in stride, adjust as needed, rely on the help of new friends, and move forward with a positive attitude, end up better off than before. They demonstrate a strength of character that I aspire to. And part of their strength is their reliance on God to provide a way, even when the way isn’t clear.


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