Joy in Children

Christmas eve... gifts are wrapped (mostly). Treats have been made and sampled. THE gift is put together and ready to play with... I'm ready for Christmas

As corny as it sounds, I think the secret of finding joy in the holidays is to see things through a child's eyes. It's not all about the gifts... not really. It's about the excitement, the lights, the visiting with family... even if they can't comprehend everything that Jesus means to the world, they can celebrate the birth of a special baby.

My kids have floored me with their generosity this year. Of course we encourage the attribute, but let's face it..generally speaking, kids tend to be selfish- "what's in it for me?" My kids not only purchased gifts for immediate family members, but are making gifts for others, and giving things that they no longer use. And it was all their idea!

As Toby Mac says in his song, Christmas this Year, "it's like I'm ten years old again and everywhere I go I can feel it...For Christmas this year, we're gonna make some noise, let the world rejoice...It's all love. The season is a gift when love came down to let us live. Let's open up and let our hearts embrace this moment."

And for me, for some reason, Christmas has been different today. Yes, there were last minute shopping trips, and endless chores, and gifts to wrap, and goodies to make... but I wasn't stressed. Nothing HAD to be perfect. I enjoyed the time I had with my family... before this week family time had been rare. And I felt it. I felt joy. Not just happiness, or satisfaction, or contentment... but an underlying current of true joy that comes only from God. Merry Christmas! God bless us, every one.


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