Just a little more...
If I could save up a little more money, I could work from home...
Someday I'm going to buy that little VW bug convertible...
One day I'm going to take that Caribbean cruise...
Someday. My bills will be paid; my house will be clean; my flab will be gone; my life will be organized. Yet, each day another 24 hours comes and goes, and for every step forward toward one goal, another goal lies tantalizingly out of my grasp.
And I wonder. Does ANYONE really have it all together? Or are we all juggling time maintaining our house with building a family or juggling energy keeping a job with building a career?
The apostle Paul said, "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want" (Phillipians 4:12 NIV).
There is a line, a tightrope even, that every healthy person must walk. Everyone should set goals, aim for something greater, commit to personal growth. We're not created to be stagnant. On the other hand, in the present moment, we have to be grateful for NOW, for what we have today, for the relationships we are a part of. We have to be content with what is and accept what has been before we can make realistic strides toward what may be.
Will you be happy
with just a little more? Or can you be content
with what you have right now?
Someday I'm going to buy that little VW bug convertible...
One day I'm going to take that Caribbean cruise...
Someday. My bills will be paid; my house will be clean; my flab will be gone; my life will be organized. Yet, each day another 24 hours comes and goes, and for every step forward toward one goal, another goal lies tantalizingly out of my grasp.
And I wonder. Does ANYONE really have it all together? Or are we all juggling time maintaining our house with building a family or juggling energy keeping a job with building a career?
The apostle Paul said, "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want" (Phillipians 4:12 NIV).
There is a line, a tightrope even, that every healthy person must walk. Everyone should set goals, aim for something greater, commit to personal growth. We're not created to be stagnant. On the other hand, in the present moment, we have to be grateful for NOW, for what we have today, for the relationships we are a part of. We have to be content with what is and accept what has been before we can make realistic strides toward what may be.
Will you be happy
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