Beautiful Things Happen When a Woman Trusts God by Sheila Walsh
Even as a lifelong Christian, Sheila Walsh struggled to trust God completely. It took a complete emotional breakdown for her to address the fear and shame that had kept her from making a final step of faith so that she could live completely for God. Even then, as her Biblical profiles exemplify, faith involves a moment-by-moment commitment to believing in God's provision.
I was astounded that a Christian with such a public life as a writer, speaker, and singer would lay bare what are probably the darkest moments of her life, in order to demonstrate her understanding of trust in God, forged in the trenches, so to speak. In fact, I was encouraged by the idea that we can trust God to make our dreams come true, when those dreams are of God and for His purpose. Welsch blends in her personal experiences, with detailed stories of people we think we know from the Bible: Anna, Joseph, Martha, Abraham... letting us see through fresh eyes the faith dilemmas these people faced, and giving the opportunity to accept the all-encompassing love of a Savior. My faith was deepened and challenged, and my heart touched by what God has done in the lives of his children.
I recommend this book especially to women who feel lost in the shuffle of life, and wonder if God still has a plan for them. He's never left your side.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book
free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255
I was astounded that a Christian with such a public life as a writer, speaker, and singer would lay bare what are probably the darkest moments of her life, in order to demonstrate her understanding of trust in God, forged in the trenches, so to speak. In fact, I was encouraged by the idea that we can trust God to make our dreams come true, when those dreams are of God and for His purpose. Welsch blends in her personal experiences, with detailed stories of people we think we know from the Bible: Anna, Joseph, Martha, Abraham... letting us see through fresh eyes the faith dilemmas these people faced, and giving the opportunity to accept the all-encompassing love of a Savior. My faith was deepened and challenged, and my heart touched by what God has done in the lives of his children.
I recommend this book especially to women who feel lost in the shuffle of life, and wonder if God still has a plan for them. He's never left your side.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book
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