When it's Time to Sell the Boat

In 1977, John Gage had a dream of sailing around the world, even though he didn't yet know how to sail.  He discovered you can't learn sailing from a book, and took classes to learn navigation and sailing techniques.  For the next 15 years he sailed up and down the Eastern coast of the United States, earning his US Coast Guard Captain's license and running a yacht delivery service. 

In 2003 he purchased the boat that would take him around the world, the Dream Catcher.  He set sail in December of that year to pursue his dream.  In May of 2007, three-and-a-half years later, John arrived back at his home marina, completing his journey around the world.  He kept a captain's log that details his trip around the world.

What tickled my funny bone was his landing page, which states: "Welcome to Dream Catcher web site. My name is John Gage and this site describes my plans and progress of sailing my boat, Dream Catcher, around the world. It is also about having dreams and not giving up on pursuing those dreams."  Directly below is a photo of a magnificent sailboat, and a large caption:  "Dream Catcher for Sale."

John did not give up on his dreams.  He made them a reality.  Then, apparently, he moved on to other dreams.

Sometimes, your dreams may evolve and change, and that's okay.  At the age of 16, I felt called to full-time ministry.  When I actually started working in ministry, I discovered that I wasn't cut out for unrealistic expectations or a fishbowl lifestyle.  I still feel God wants to do great things through me, but perhaps behind the scenes, encouraging others through the written word.

Sometimes, it's time to sell the boat, and move on.  


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