How to Reach Your Full Potential for God by Charles Stanley
God has a will, plan, and purpose for humankind, and each person has a part. Everything someone needs to reach his or her God-given potential is within, waiting to be discovered and developed. Reaching your full potential for God can be achieved by working with His Spirit to develop a clean heart, and clear mind, and a balanced schedule. When I read this book, it was as if Dr. Stanley could read my mind and heart, saying “You have settled. You’re threatened by life’s challenges. When are you going to have enough faith in God that he really has a plan for an abundant life for you? When are you going to make the most of opportunities and start moving in the direction of God’s plan?” This book lays out seven essentials for moving toward the path God has designed for each individual. It is also peppered with appropriate Scripture references and Biblical examples that illustrate the step-by-step plan Dr. Stanley has outlined for moving from excus...