Looking for Love

Fox is coming out with a show called More to Love. It’s a version of The Bachelor with plus size participants.

Although I am glad that this is a reality show with large women that is not trying to make them lose weight to be more attractive, the ads show women who talk about how they just want to feel beautiful, loved, and wanted. So they decide to compete with 19 other women for the love of a stranger on national TV?

Ladies, ladies, ladies! First of all, the ladies they profiled were already beautiful. They don’t need a man’s approval to feel that way. Secondly, everyone wants to feel loved, but if you don’t feel lovable, you’ll never accept love from someone else.

Our society is messed up. In America, women strive for thin and busty with tanned, clear, wrinkle-free skin. The few women who are able to meet that standard go to great lengths to achieve it, including surgically altering their bodies.

Why do we let a few magazine publishers and TV producers determine what we should look like? Don’t we give God any credit for making us just the way we are?

Granted, obesity is a real health risk. But if a women is a size 16 and the doctor gives a clean bill of health, why shouldn’t she be proud of the way she looks?

Surprisingly, researchers have found that even when women lose a lot of weight, their self-image doesn’t necessarily change for the better. They still see their old self in the mirror, even if it doesn’t reflect reality. Sometimes they’re disappointed that the weight loss didn’t miraculously turn their bodies into model material. Some psychologists call this “phantom fat.”

If you can’t accept yourself when you’re overweight, you probably won’t accept yourself if you lose weight. It’s not about the weight. It’s about accepting who you are, right here, right now. It’s admirable to have goals to be healthier, or to further an education, or to have a loving relationship. You just can’t get to where you’re going if you don’t know where you are. Or who you are. No matter what, you are beautiful, and you are loved.

Source: Stenson, Jacqueline. “’Phantom fat’ can linger after weight loss.” www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31489881/ns/health-womens_health/


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