Working in your Passion
For many people, work is a necessary evil, a means to an end. If you're employed, you earn an income, which pays for food, shelter, transportation, and other nice things. You also have something productive to do during the day (or night). If the benefit of a paycheck were removed, or if the necessities of life were taken care of, many people would not work. I don't think that God intended people to loathe work, to dread Mondays and thank Him for Fridays. Yes, He originally introduced the idea because His first creation, Adam, was disobedient , but that doesn't mean He can't redeem it for good things in the world and in you. You were created for a purpose. You were created with a combination of personality, passions, and talents that are uniquely yours. If the planet Earth were a factory, you have a job doing your part to make the world go 'round. While it would be wonderful if we could all choose the perfect degree,...