Holiday Wishes

I wish…

Christmas candies and cookies were calorie free.

Christmas gifts would teleport themselves to my home.

I could read minds when choosing Christmas gifts.

There was a special shopping time for just me so I could avoid the crowds.

Snow stayed on the grass and trees and off the roads.

I had more red to wear.

For an automatic gift wrapper.

Everyone knew that I love their Christmas cards, even if they’ve never received one from me.

Everyone could be home for Christmas.

All houses had outdoor Christmas lights.

People still caroled to their neighbors.

Everyone could be healed for Christmas.

A new pair of gloves.

A super-deluxe car scraper.

An automatic car warmer.

Safe travel for everybody.

A Christmas Eve service to make you think.

Joy to the world.

Peace on Earth

Goodwill to men (and women)


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